Intellectual Property

Pugatch Consilium and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce launch the 12th edition of the International IP Index

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A few weeks ago, Pugatch Consilium’s Dr David Torstensson was in Washington D.C. to help
launch the twelfth edition of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s International IP Index.
Since 2012 the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s International IP Index has provided an important
industry perspective on the IP standards that influence both long- and short-term business and
investment decisions. The Index is a unique and continuously evolving instrument. Not only
does it assess the state of the international IP environment, it also provides a clear roadmap ...

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Pugatch Consilium and the Council for Innovation Promotion Launch Inaugural Congressional Innovation Scorecard

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A few weeks ago, Pugatch Consilium’s Professor Meir Pugatch and Dr David Torstensson were
in Washington D.C. to help launch the inaugural edition of the Congressional Innovation

The purpose of the Congressional Innovation Scorecard is to assess and rate how the U.S.
Congress as a whole and its individual members (Senators and Representatives) through their
political, legislative and policy activities work to promote and nurture America’s goal of a strong
national IP system that drives innovation, boosts economic competitiveness, and improves lives

The U.S. economy is ...

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Pugatch Consilium and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce launch the 11th edition of the International IP Index

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Last week Pugatch Consilium’s Professor Meir Pugatch and Dr David Torstensson were in Washington D.C. to help launch the eleventh edition of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s International IP Index.

Since 2012 the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s International IP Index has provided an important industry perspective on the IP standards that influence both long- and short-term business and investment decisions. The Index is a unique and continuously evolving instrument. Not only does it assess the state of the international IP environment, ...

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Dr David Torstensson and U.S. Chamber of Commerce launch new fourth edition of the Global Rule of Law and Business Dashboard

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Last week Dr David Torstensson presented the findings of the 2019 Global Rule of Law and Business Dashboard at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce in Washington D.C.

Titled Laying the Foundation for Prosperity the Dashboard offers the business community, governments, policymakers and stakeholders across the world an innovative, empirical tool to measure and understand the particular needs of the business community within a rule of law context. What are the issues that are important to business? What is currently being ...

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Pugatch Consilium is releasing the sixth edition of the Building the Bioeconomy

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Pugatch Consilium is today releasing the sixth edition of the Building the Bioeconomy, a series of papers commissioned by the Biotechnology Industry Organization. Since 2013, the series has taken the pulse of biotechnology policies in the main economies worldwide, and has shown that policy choices are key determinants of success in growing biotechnology sectors.
This year’s edition adds to the analysis eleven countries, further increasing the geographic and economic diversity of the countries sampled. Yet, the findings of the report ...

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New Pugatch Consilium Study Shows How Countries Can Develop Biotech Industry

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A Pugatch Consilium study released today commissioned by the Biotechnology Innovation Organization (BIO) highlights strategies, policies and best practices that have been successful in creating an environment in which biotechnology innovation can flourish around the world.

The fifth edition of the Building the Bioeconomy report shows the correlation between economies with pro-innovation policy frameworks and those achieving strong biotechnology outputs. By examining 28 different indicators ranging from public policy inputs to biotechnology outputs, the report provides a full and detailed ...

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Why IP Incentives Matter for Life Sciences Innovation – In Europe and Beyond

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Why IP incentives matter for life sciences innovation – In Europe and Beyond

Pugatch Consilium is today releasing a new report – A Critical Incentive – Not a Barrier! How IP incentives spur biopharmaceutical innovation and the creation of new health technologies.

This report examines the importance of IP based incentives to biopharmaceutical innovation and the development of new medicines and medical technologies.

This analysis could not be more timely. In Europe, for example, the EU Commission is seriously considering ways to ...

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